Add value to your product at an extremely low cost.
With our source verification and traceback records
A record in our database costs only US-$ 0.55 per year
Location records for your Business Type to provide source verification and create a non-recurring PIDC(Property IDentification Code)
Commodity Records to provide traceback for each single commodity. Once the commodity leaves your possession you can re-use this record up to 220 times per year.
Add a picture to location or commodity for only US-$ 0.25
Add 1 MB of Video Storage for only US-$ 0.50
      : 15 Seconds of Video is approximately 1.5 MB in size
Activities for records are free
Hundreds of Activities can be attached to your location or commodity records with NO COST
No Sign-Up fees or additional costs for future upgrades
Minimum charge is US-$ 10.00
Demonstration: How to use ScoringAg
Records Needed
Number of Locations*
Examples: field, pasture, pen, barn, greenhouse,
storage site, office, freestall barn, silo, packing shed,
pond, fishing site, loading dock, room etc.
[ Help ]
Number Entities/Commodities*
Examples: cows, bulls, sows, lambs, ewes, goats,
crops, vegetable crops, lettuce crops, fruit crops,
feed, hay, nuts, peanuts, flocks of chicken,
catches of fish, pieces of equipment etc.
[ Help ]
Number of Pictures
Number Videos MB
Do you wish to order record space for Archiving files Yes No
Options: Step Back
Clear: Start Over
ScoringSystem Policy is not to sell, rent, or give out personal / private information.
All data stored in databases are encrypted with a rotating 256 bit key.